FOTO/ Bukuria dhe madhështia e Alpeve europiane

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Përtej skive, ka arsye të panumërta për të vizituar Alpet jo vetëm janë ndoshta një nga mjediset më piktoreske në Tokë. Siç tregohet edhe në këtë fotogaleri mahnitëse pamjet nuk kanë nevojë për shumë komente.

Koleksioni ynë do t’ju çojë në një udhëtim imagjinar në të gjithë sistemin më të lartë dhe më të gjerë të vargmalit që shtrihet plotësisht në Europë.

Një masiv që shtrihet afërsisht 750 milje në tetë vende: Francë, Zvicër, Monako, Itali, Lihtenshtajn, Austri, Gjermani dhe Slloveni.

Më poshtë mund të shikoni me një fotografi magjepsëse pikën e saj më të lartë, Mont Blanc, e cila qëndron 15,781 këmbë mbi nivelin e detit; Matterhorn 14.692 metra i gjatë në kufirin Zvicër-Itali; qyteti austriak i Innsbruck, i cili ka një nga pistat më tërheqëse të skive në botë, dhe qyteti i përsosur i kartolinave i Lech, i cili krenohet me hotelet me pesë yje.

Shkoni poshtë dhe do të bëhet e qartë se pse rreth 120 milion vizitorë zbresin në rajon gjatë gjithë vitit …/ Përgatiti: Kamela Liko/Burimi:/DailyMailHallstatt village, on the banks of Lake Hallstatt, in the Salzkammergut region of Austria, is a Unesco World Heritage site

Sunrise at the Matterhorn, which is reflected in Riffelsee lake in Zermatt, Switzerland. The Matterhorn is 14,692ft tall

Val d'Isere in France is one of the Alps' most popular, and glamorous, resorts. Skiers are lured by 186 miles of runs, jaw-dropping off-piste action - and more boutique lodges than you can shake a glass of Krug Champagne at

Golden larch trees are beautifully offset against the snow on the shore of Lake Sils in Maloja, Engadin, in the Swiss canton of Graubünden

Meribel is a hugely popular resort. This image shows a beautiful sunset there - and one of its chairlift systems disappearing dramatically into a thick wall of cloud

The French Alps is the ideal destination for a whole host of leisure and outdoor activities – skiing, hiking, mountaineering, white water rafting, pot-holing, mountain biking, thermal bathing and much more besides. The picture above was taken near Chambery

An aerial view of the Julier Pass in St. Moritz, Switzerland, which connects the Engadin valley with the rest of Graubünden

The Austrian town of Innsbruck really comes into its own in winter when the Christmas market on Maria-Theresien-Strasse adds festive cheer to this slice of the Alpine region

Bergün is a traditional village in the Albula region in the canton of Graubünden in western Switzerland

The Gran Paradiso massif, seen here from the Valsavaranche comune, is a mountain in the Graian Alps in Italy, located between the Aosta Valley and Piedmont regions

The Madonna del Sasso Church above Locarno city on the shore of Lake Maggiore, Switzerland

An aerial view of the Great Aletsch Glacier - the largest in the Alps - in the eastern Bernese Alps in the Swiss canton of Valais. It is 23km (14 miles) long

Royal families love the exclusive resort of Lech in Austria, including those from the Netherlands and Jordan. Princess Diana was a big fan too. Among Alpine resorts, you'll only find a higher concentration of five-star hotels in France's Courchevel

A road sign with arrows for hiking and biking tourist trails on a road between the villages of Wengen and Lauterbrunnen in  Bernese Oberland, Switzerland. The Jungfrau mountain is visible in the background

Part of the Rhaetian railway – pictured here by the Bernina Pass in Switzerland – has Unesco World Heritage status. It's one of only three lines in the world to have received the honour

The French Alpine village of Courchevel 1850, named after its altitude and known for its luxury hotels and Michelin-starred restaurants. Pictured here is its airport, where private jets and helicopters drop off the wealthiest visitors

A panoramic view of Courchevel, a resort loved by Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge

Boats on Switzerland's Lake Lucerne in Weggis village with a view of Pilatus mountain and the Swiss Alps in the background

Mont Blanc, France - the highest mountain in Europe west of the Caucasus peaks in Russia and Georgia. The first recorded successful climb of Mont Blanc – which marks the start of modern mountaineering – was by Chamonix-born crystal hunter Jacques Balmat and Michel Gabriel Paccard, a doctor, on August 8, 1786. They completed the feat unroped and without ice axes, heavily burdened with scientific equipment. Now, more than 30,000 people attempt to climb Mont Blanc each year

On the approach to Innsbruck Airport, Austria, planes pass thrillingly close to the mountains. Taking off and landing is so tricky that only captains are permitted to be at the controls

Fort Bard is a fortified complex built in the 19th century by the House of Savoy on a rocky prominence above Bard, a town and commune in the Aosta Valley region of northwestern Italy

On a clear day, the view is magnificent from the observation deck in Interlaken, a traditional resort town in the mountainous Bernese Oberland region of central Switzerland

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